Przetargi i zamówienia - Medyczna, Laboratoria, projekt ciepłownictwo i gaz, Nieruchomości, grunty, parkingi, administracja, Maszyny, sprzęt, urządzenia, narzędzia, Wodno - kanalizacyjna - wyniki wyszukiwania

4790434 (brak danych) Traktor till SLU i Uppsala. En jordbrukstraktor från 2016 eller senare.

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4790458 (brak danych) Underhåll av fartygselektronik. Upphandlingen avser leda fram till ett ramavtal med flera leverantörer för materielunderhåll på marinelektroniska system, delsystem och komponenter ombor...

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4790762 (brak danych) Abschluss eines nicht exklusiven Rabattvertrages nach § 130a Abs. 8 SGB V zu Arzneimitteln mit dem Wirkstoff Aripiprazol als Depot-Injektionssuspension (ATC-Code: N05AX12) innerhalb des Zei...

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4790911 (brak danych) CSE/AH01/1100590288/17/PA. Servicio de mantenimiento del equipamiento de electromedicina, radiología y seguridad eléctrica de las áreas quirúrgicas y áreas de críticos del Hospital Uni...

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4792572 (brak danych) Upphandling Vätskekromatograf med tandemmasspektrometer (UHPLC-MSMS). Upphandling av Vätskekromatograf med tandemmasspektrometer UHPLC-MSMS.

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4792922 (brak danych) Procedura aperta attraverso piattaforma telematica di negoziazione per la fornitura e l'installazione di un tavolo telecomandato occorrente all'U.O. di radiologia del P.O. di Piacenza. Proce...

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4792930 (brak danych) Acquisition de deux spectromètres de masse équipé de système de chromatographie liquide. Acquisition de 2 spectromètres de masse équipé de système de chromatographie liquide.

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4792931 (brak danych) PA SUM 16/035. Fluidoterapia.

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4792932 (brak danych) PA SUM 17/001. Suministro de gasas y compresas.

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4792946 (brak danych) Προμήθεια ορθοπεδικών υλικών. Προμήθεια ορθοπεδικών υλικών.

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4796608 (brak danych) Ejecución de las obras de la remodelación y mejoras para la eliminación de nutrientes en la estación depuradora de aguas residuales de Figueres. El objeto de esta contratación es el con...

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4796735 (brak danych) Διεθνής διαγωνισμός για την προμήθεια αναλωσίμων οδοντιατρικών υλικών για την κάλυψη των αναγκών Κέντ...

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4796739 (brak danych) Fourniture et maintenance de stérilisateurs basse température au peroxyde d'hydrogène. Fourniture et maintenance de stérilisateurs basse température au peroxyde d'hydrogène.

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4798953 (brak danych) Patient övervakning Alingsås / SÄS. Upphandling av patientövervakning.

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4798966 (brak danych) Infusion Devices and Associated Products Framework Agreement. This will be a framework agreement for the purchase, delivery, supply, installation, and continued maintenance of Infusion Devic...

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4798987 (brak danych) IRM16/1318 — The Supply of Military Related Spare Parts and Associated Items — Mechanical/Fabricated Parts Related. Parts of military vehicles. Babcock DSG Limited acting on behalf of th...

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4798992 (brak danych) IRM16/1317 — The Supply of Military Related Spare Parts and Associated Items — Major Platform Related. Parts of military vehicles. Babcock DSG Limited acting on behalf of the Authority h...

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4798996 (brak danych) IRM16/1315 — The Supply of Military Related Spare Parts and Associated Items. Parts of military vehicles. Babcock DSG Limited acting on behalf of the Authority has under consideration a 5 ...

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4798999 (brak danych) IRM16/1319 — The Supply of Military Related Spare Parts and Associated Items — Mechanical/Fabricated Parts Related. Parts of military vehicles. Babcock DSG Limited acting on behalf of th...

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4799002 (brak danych) IRM16/1316 — The Supply of Military Related Spare Parts and Associated Items — Electronic Component Related. Parts of military vehicles. Babcock DSG Limited acting on behalf of the Autho...

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4801904 (brak danych)

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4802017 (brak danych) Service och Underhåll av rulltrappor. Avtalet omfattar, i huvudsak, följande tjänster:Funktionsserviceavtal:— Periodisk service enligt fastställt schema.— Städning, enligt detta fö...

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4802383 (brak danych) Αναβάθμιση της Λεωφόρου Αγλαντζιάς και μέρους των Λεωφόρων Λάρνακας και Αμμοχώστου στην Αγλαντζιά — Π...

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4802414 (brak danych) P.A. 2017-0-14 — Material sanitario: suturas manuales. Material sanitario: suturas manuales.

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4804788 (brak danych) Röntgen multilab komplettering 2016. Klassiskt röntgenlab.

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4804792 (brak danych) Upphandling Provtagningsprodukter Venprovtagningsset. Upphandling av Provtagningsprodukter för Venprovtaggning, venprovtagningsset.

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4804962 (brak danych)

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4804964 (brak danych)

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4805010 (brak danych) Idrottsmaterial Luleå kommun. Luleå kommuns behov av idrottsmaterial till vår skolverksamhet.

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4805028 (brak danych) IRM16/1258 — The Supply of Military Related Spare Parts and Associated Items. Parts of military vehicles. Babcock DSG Limited acting on behalf of the authority has under consideration a 7 ...

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