Przetargi i zamówienia - Laboratoria, Ekonomia, prawo i organizacja, magazyny, zakłady produkcyjne - wyniki wyszukiwania

4827782 (brak danych) Untersuchung von prioritären und anderen Stoffen in den Abläufen von 14 Kläranlagen und Regenrückhaltebecken in Mecklenburg – Vorpommern zur Fundstellenaufklärung in Oberflächengewä...

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4831455 (brak danych) Servicio de auditoria externa, financiera y de cumplimiento de los ejercicios económicos 2016, 2017 y 2018 para la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Servicio de auditoria externa, financi...

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4858143 (brak danych) Rammekontrakt vedrørende tekniske tjenester og støttetjenester i forbindelse med politik for ulovlig og lovlig migration. Det overordnede formål med rammekontrakten er at levere tjenestey...

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4879479 (brak danych) Uitvoeren van rekruterings- en selectieprocedures en opdrachten (volgens behoefte) — gemeentebestuur en OCMW. Voorwerp van deze diensten:De onderhavige opdracht betreft een raamcontract vo...

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4895586 (brak danych) PEACE IV ‘Cross-Cultural Strategic Initiative’ TBUS 17-009. This tender is for project activity 5.2a ‘Cross-Cultural Strategic Initiative’ This project is part of the ‘Building Pos...

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4895591 (brak danych) Waterside Shared Village Project T BUS17-008. This tender is for project activity 4.1c ‘Waterside Shared Village’. This project is part of the ‘Shared Spaces and Services’ work-plan ...

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4895593 (brak danych) ‘Interface Investment Programme’ T BUS16-102. This tender is for project activity 4.3 ‘Interface Investment Programme’This project is part of the ‘Shared Spaces and Services’ wor...

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4900034 (brak danych) Examining & Developing an Understanding of the Decade of Centenaries 2017-2021 — Programme Coordinator' T BUS17-004. The programme, which must be developed and delivered in partnership...

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4900578 (brak danych) Oproep tot aanvraag tot deelneming — adviseur marketing. VRT is op zoek naar een adviseur marketing met volgend takenpakket:— inhoudelijke strategische challenge voor net en brand manage...

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4921587 (brak danych) Servizio di noleggio del Software per Risk management e Tesoreria di Finpiemonte SpA. Servizio di noleggio del Software per Risk management e Tesoreria di Finpiemonte SpA quale intermediario...

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4946480 (brak danych) QUB/1609/17 Provision of External and Internal Audit Services. The University invites tenders for the provision of:Lot 1 External Audit and Third Party Audit Services;Lot 2 Internal Audit Se...

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4949758 (brak danych) Specialist Support Advisors to the Cultural Sector. Norfolk County Council wishes to establish a framework agreement of specialist support advisors to deliver effective, targeted, specialist...

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4950033 (brak danych) Bedrijfsrevisor ZNA. Aanstelling bedrijfsrevisor ZNA VZW, voor de boekjaren 2017, 2018 en 2019.

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4955204 (brak danych) Procedura aperta finalizzata in nome proprio e per conto del soggetto aggregatore, finalizzata alla acquisizione, a lotto intero ed indivisibile, di servizi professionali di supporto nell'at...

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4961790 (brak danych) STEM — Thermal Analysis and Testing Equipment. A 4 200 square metre building for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is being built at the University's Markeaton Street...

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4962233 (brak danych) Suministro e instalación de un sistema de cromatógrafo de gases acoplado a espectrómetro de masas GC/Q-TOF u otro sistema de masas tándem de alta resolución. Suministro e instalación d...

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4965338 (brak danych) Invitation to Tender for the provision of Corporate Systems Transformation software. HEFCE is seeking to procure subscription licences for cloud based business management software that will ...

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4967981 (brak danych) Dataindsamling vedrørende omkostninger og fordele for jernbanetjenester. Agenturet planlægger at indgå en rammekontrakt vedrørende tjenesteydelser med genåbning af konkurrence med flere...

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4968270 (brak danych) Worcestershire Business Start Up and High Growth Start Up Programme. Worcestershire.Business Start Up AND High Growth Start Up Programme.Sustainable economic growth and business growth is a ...

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4973537 (brak danych) Provision of External Audit Services. The role of the University's External Auditors is to report on the University's consolidated financial statements and those of its subsidiaries and to c...

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4985261 (brak danych) Internal Audit Services. Goldsmiths' College (the ‘Contract Authority’) is currently seeking to appoint a supplier to provide Internal Audit Services for an initial period of 5 years sub...

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4993886 (brak danych) Monitoring Makrophytobenthos Mecklenburg – Vorpommern: Beprobung und Bewertung der Küstengewässer M-V mit dem PHYBIBCO- und BALCOSIS – Verfahren. Bewertung von Küstengewässer-Wasserk...

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5017809 (brak danych) Servicio consistente en la asistencia administrativa y técnica para funcionamiento de la Asociación de Municipios del Camino de Santiago. Servicio consistente en la asistencia administrati...

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5030431 (brak danych) Acquisition de 2 spectromètres de masse équipés de système de chromatographie liquide. Acquisition de deux spectromètres de masse équipés de système de chromatographie liquide.

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5030467 (brak danych) Servicio de confección, corrección e impresión de pruebas, de aportación de profesionales de la psicología para realizar las entrevistas, y del tratamiento de los resultados de la convo...

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5038218 (brak danych) Adquisición de un espectrómetro de fotoluminiscencia de alta resolución. Adquisición de un espectrómetro de fotoluminiscencia de alta resolución.

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5049760 (brak danych) PEACE IV ‘Unheard Voices Programme’ TBUS17-035. This tender is for intervention 5.4 ‘Unheard Voices Programme.’ This project is part of the ‘Building Positive Relations’ work-pla...

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5062085 (brak danych) PU-17-0196 — Recruitment, Pay, Training and HR Services (RPT Services). The Contracting Authority is procuring the services for an integrated recruitment, payroll, HR and training service ...

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5073321 (brak danych) Servicio de asistencia técnica para la realización de las verificaciones del art. 125 del reglamento (UE) nº 1303/2013 del parlamento europeo y del consejo, y análisis de riesgos de las ...

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5076614 (brak danych) Servicio de mantenimiento integral de las instalaciones que constituyen el servicio de animalario y laboratorios de cultivos celulares asociado al Departamento de Investigación Básica del ...

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